Startup High Tech Data Audit - HTDA a new intelligent software for audit

Posted on 01/13/2017
HTDA is a startup that develops a new audit software. It has to be observed that technology developed quicker for treatment and access to information systems (internet, multiple connections, identification of operators…) than it developed for prevention devices destined to prevent from fraudulent intrusions or, more serious from non-authorized transactions). In order to face these risks, internally as well as externally, HTDA develops together with Groupe Audit a new audit software that integrates not only new information treatment technologies (ETL), which allow a granulated analysis of all transaction data of a company, but also the integration of new security approaches for supports like the blockchain, as well as not yet known technologies.
The target is that all data is protected from its heart against all types of intrusion including the possibility that the company can resist the capacities of the quantum computers already in development. Artificial intelligence is as well included in order to detect anomalies in real time as well as to automatize external reconciliation still handled by the auditors who intervene entity by entity which will become partially automatic and transnational.

For all further questions please see
or contact
Mr Philippe Coup-Jambet, Directeur du projet
+33 (0)6 50 94 80 52

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